Saturday, April 27, 2013

No recorded cases of Heatstroke in Aklan, said PHO

Tremendous heat is now being experienced not only in Boracay but in the whole province of Aklan.

However amid this high temperature, the Provincial Health Office (PHO) as of the moment has no recorded case of heatstroke, said PHO Officer Dr. Cornelio Cuatchon.

But Cuatchon said this is not a guarantee that there is no heatstroke victim in the entire province, since they still have to receive the records of other hospitals in Aklan.

As of the present the Provincial Hospital has no documented case of the mentioned heat related condition.

Nonetheless, the PHO Officer advised the public about the 6 “S” that the Department of Health has launched and is about the maladies which can be brought about by this kinf of weather.

This includes Sore eyes, sunburn, flu and cough (sipon at ubo), vomiting and excretion, skin diseases and even dog bites.

The officer said, these diseases can be avoided if hygiene can be maintained, such as practicing hand washing and to keep the immune system healthy.

Meanwhile, the Dr. said they have a recorded case where a tourist in Boracay suffered from sore eyes.

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