This is after the
Auditors tone of speaking suggests that the council has inadequacy or has
fallen short of ensuring the safety of Malay's “vault” or “depository.”
Particularly when Candari
mentioned how the Legislative Body refused of having the salaries of LGU Malay
employees be in the means of an Automated Teller Machine/ATM, and how they are
hesitant to have a Land Bank branch here.
The COA claimed to
have seen in the records that there are some amounts of money being released
from the municipality that has been issued and handled not by an authorized
personnel or a disbursement officer, and there are transactions of cash-advance
which are obtained from the 'box' or 'cash-registry' when this is supposed to
be prohibited.
The usual alibi was
said to be because the disbursing officer is at Mainland Malay and the
transactions occur at the Action Center in Boracay.
Candari suggested for
additional disbursement officers for the island so that the fund will be
handled and issued by an authorized person.
This Reaction by the
COA officer followed after learning from the Manager of Land Bank of the
Philippines Kalibo Branch that it was the SB who refused that the bank will
have a branch in Malay.
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